September 6, 2008

What language are we exactly speaking?

As we seem to know, men and women do not necessarily speak the same language. Hmmm, reminds me a bit of the tower of Babel... It is definitely some work to communicate, learn how to be heard and learn to listen, oh ya, this is a big one...

I know a delightful, charming, talented young man who mumbles. What's up with that? I never even understand him until the third response. By then I'm irritated, which makes that listening piece a bit tougher. As I've given birth to this one, I am considering changing his middle name to "What?!?!"

I had dinner with a very polite gentleman, who was Persian. English was not his first language. I can't tell you how hard I had to work to understand him and be understood. I figure this is not good, especially in dating. I call this the double whammy.

Then their was the man from an other country who keep calling me 'something', it sounded like "Hi Baby", which I totally did not understand. It seems, that he was calling me 'dear one' or
'sweet something' in some language. Well, he could have been calling me just about anything.

My theory is that communicating is hard enough, speak the same language at the very least.

And then there is silence.... which can mean, you are both so comfortable there is no need for babel (yep, that tower thing again...) or it can mean you've just spent the evening with someone who in one night has run out of things to say, in this case 'silence is not golden'. It is just a huge warning sign saying "Danger, go back!"

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