September 25, 2008

Don't mess with my coffee...

Seriously, I know how I like my coffee and that's the way I like it. (Insert a tiny bit of foot stomping here). My children and even some of my friends know exactly how to order Lola's latte.

I think of myself as open minded and ready to try new things. However, don't mess with my coffee! Visiting my son in Spokane recently there is nothing short of a caffeine supply, with drive threw coffee hutches on almost every corner. They had great names also, "Brews Brothers" being just one of many. My question to Corey, "Where's the damn Starbucks?"

I dated a man who roasted his own coffee beans and then ground them and the water temperature had to be just right, to 'make the perfect cup of coffee'. Guess what, I didn't like it. Sure it smelled good, sure I was impressed that he knew how to roast coffee beans, but really, just bring Lola her latte.

I've even been told, that I might be a tad 'spoiled' because I actually like having my coffee in bed. Well, if that is the case, I've come a long way baby and am learning to 'feed the inner Princess'.

So from now on, I'm going to use my latte addiction as the litmus test for men. If they're trying to change my brand or don't know how to order Lola's latte or think it is too expensive, well then I'll just say.... next!

As for the rest of you, Lola likes a Grande Vanilla X-hot latte!!!

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