September 5, 2008

Childhood wish lists

As a child in a large family "Wish Lists" were long and lengthy for birthdays and Christmas. My mother would remind us that we could 'wish' for whatever we wanted, but it didn't mean you'd get it. However, we could wish, shoot for the moon and we did! None of us ever got the pony, jet or Porsche. However, we always received 'something' on our list and it was an aid to those who cared about us to gift us with something we desired.

The interesting phenomena with Internet dating is that those 'wish lists' pop up again. Many of them are concise, balanced and reasonably healthy. Others look like my wish lists of my childhood, long, lengthy and full of unrealistic dreams.

The internet is not the place to find the perfect mate (hint: that does not exist) whether you 'wish' for it or not. It is only the place to expand your options, bump into more people on this journey called life and perhaps one will find a few people who do bring a few of the gifts we desire.

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