September 2, 2008

I need a "Help" button

Have you ever gone to a website, hit the 'help' button and it actually helped you? The last site I was on, I couldn't even find the 'help' button. It should just be called the 'helpless' button!

I am so far out of my league, that it is funny. I am playing Fantasy football!

Not because I like football, which I actually do. Not because I'll be any good at it, which I won't or for any other reasonable answer. I'm playing for the best reason in the world, my son asked me to. Now before you get all teary eyed, he actually just needed some more players and knew me to be a soft touch. So, I'm signed up, well all I was actually able to do so far, was name my team. All other attempts to understand or get ready for the draft and I hit a brick wall! I can't pick the players I do know, because the 'help' button is not helping me. It is probably user error, I don't know enough to even make sense of the help. So, I'm going to sit back and just see how it all works.

My team.... why, Lola's Lambkins....

Are you ready for some football?

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