September 15, 2008

Romantic Teens

My teenagers are romantic people. They are absolutely 'into' the nuances of romance. They love it and are impressed by it. They especially find it dear when done for their mom. Maybe they are just considerate individuals or perhaps if I am going to date, they need to feel it is going smoothly. I believe that there is just enough high drama in their own teenage life, that they are unable to handle any more in their mom's. After all, if mom is going to have any crazy drama to deal with it should be delivered by them!!

I do not mix my kids and my dates. Well, at least not in the flesh. They do as we know call me during dates, want to know who I'm talking to on the phone and try to offer their input. They also like a 'recap' of sorts after a date, limited best to what did you do, did you have a nice time and he brought you flowers? Wow!

The fact that date number 2 with Mr.B was a funeral brought out chorus's of 'ohhhhh' from them both. Well, see I had to sing at the funeral and he wanted to be with me, so he came, ahhhh, yes to a funeral. You know, maybe my nuts (kids) did not fall far from the Oak tree. I think the kids are right, "ohhhhhhhh".

Who knows, if we had a good time at a funeral, imagine what Disneyland could be like... stay tuned this event is on the calendar...

1 comment:

  1. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Sounds like this gentleman is one you want to keep getting to know!
