September 12, 2008

Protection, no NOT that kind!!!!

If you grew up with older brothers as I did, you might easily remember that they could be your biggest and best tormentors. As protectors, they might only come to life when someone 'else' decided to torment you. Hence protection from them was fleeting. So, just for the record, this same brother has instructed me to "be careful" while dating.... wow, gee, thanks.

However, the Calvary is riding in from the most unlikely place... my son. Who knew, this child with a 'peace corp' heart, has a 'tiger in his tank'? Last Saturday as my date and I were sitting down to dinner, my son (who doesn't call and only texts) called me, twice! The second time, sensing an emergency, I answered.

"Hey, Mom, sorry to interrupt your date, but how do you make onion dip?" Yes, I did laugh out loud! After I dispensed the urgent recipe, he left me with the following heartfelt words, "Okay, well, have fun on your date and let him know that if he does anything wrong I'll have to kill him". Okay, thanks, love you too...

My date is either extremely brave because I'm seeing him again or very confident of his ability to 'behave'. He does however call my children #2 & #3 by their given names and calls #1 son, "Killer".

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