February 28, 2009


Dating sites seem to be redefining the English language. "New" is a pretty simple word, or so I thought, silly me.

Apparently 'new' can mean a variety of things. Mostly it seems that 'new' just means, well, nothing... When does someone stop being 'new'? The dating sites have no understanding of the word 'new'. Yahoo! personals (who I used to like) sends me 'new' matches by email a couple of times a week. Wow, what a deal! Except, here is the problem, these guys are not 'new' and I saw their profile months and months ago. What makes them new? Why don't they just be truthful and say, "Hey, here's some old guys you might have missed".

Not only is there apparently a 'new English language', but apparently Yahoo! has its own 'new math' as well. The email heading today said, "We're sending you 6 new matches". The email itself had 2 'old' matches and 4 random guys that were not a match, but in Yahoo!'s esteemed wisdom declared these matches 'close'. Gee, thanks. However, 'close' only counts in Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades.

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