February 19, 2009

The Web site I'd like to see

Chemistry-Compatibility-Personality traits

Different sites believe they have 'the' answer to helping make us all a great match! Terrific! Some keep it a big secret, some color code your profile, yes seriously! These are our 'primary motivators'. There is:

Blue - Intimacy
Yellow - Fun
White - Peace
Red - Power

Mine says I'm Blue 37%, Yellow 24%, White 22% Red 18%

We all have some of each, and this website shows our percentages. The little colors pop up when you check some one's profile. What does it all mean? I'm sure I do NOT know.

When you read profiles, you never know, is this the truth, a bold faced lie, or just a personal interpretation.

Here is the website percentages I'd like to see pop up:

Honesty as Abe:
Puffing or just has trouble express themselves with the written word:
Misguided sense of self:
Saying what they think you want to hear:

Have a great Blue, Yellow, White, Red Day!

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