October 11, 2008

New math

Regardless of the actual numbers of it all, middle age is going to be whatever I am now. I realize that this is a definition of new math, as I don't actually know that many 98 year olds, but that's just tough. I've got enough to deal with with this dating stuff without truly acknowledging that I am old!

Here I was just getting comfortable with little old people. In fact somewhere in the last 10 years with my parents aging and passing away, I come to just adore what I call the 'sweet olds', those dear people who could never be confused with those 'crabby olds'.

Do you know what I had to meet last weekend? Children!!! Yikes! I know I've been meeting my friends' children for years, but that was always a bit more like crowd control. I know how to do that, "No standing on the couch with Oreos and scissors in your hands, only two people on the trampoline at a time, do not poke the dog and do not even think about flushing that!"

Prior to last week, I have NEVER met a date's children, had to shake hands and act, well sane. Good heavens, I quickly gave up on that one. This is a come as you are party for sure, after all I was meeting teenagers and they are going to love you or hate you just because. The reality is that teens are in their own world and for the most part, they kind of don't care what or who their parent dates, which is a really safe place for the dating parent. My two teens at home will respond predictably if they may happen to be introduced to a date, my son will say "he seems nice" and my daughter will say "he's old". Usually, both are true.

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