October 16, 2008

Being Careful who I date

I try to be careful who I date. After all it is a big, big scary world out there and one must be cautious. I've seen some scary stuff! However, nothing is more frightening than the thought of dating men with kids younger than mine.

My darling children are currently 20, 17 and 14 (going on 2 or 42 depending on the given hour). I saw this very lovely man, whose profile was more than intriguing, but then I saw he has 2 daughters and they are 10 and 13. Yikes!! What if I like him? I don't want to go through this teen age thing again, and I'm here to tell you girls are much harder than boys! Teenage boys are like being on a Roller coaster, with ups and downs, a few sharp turns but all in all doable and at times a bit exciting. Teenage girls are more like a cross between a Merry-go-Round and that ride from my youth, The Hammer Head! Fast, furious, no telling when the motion would change and guaranteed to make me sick, then sweet and simple again.

The man I'm currently seeing has 2 teenage boys and they live with him. The good news with this, is that when his kids are being bratty 'teens', it reminds me, that mine are really pretty good. Or like today, when one of my darlings managed to remain sullen for 7.5 miles of the 8 mile drive to school, because of my outlandish request that their sandals be picked up, he 'gets' it and reminds me to just enjoy the silence.

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