August 28, 2008

What ever happened to my comfort zone?

Back in the dark ages when I was newly married, it always amazed me how many divorced people wanted to give me advice on marriage! It never made any sense. Hello!!! How many times have you seen them interview the loser of the race for advice on what to do differently?!? "Well, gee," says last place runner, "I guess diet coke and Snickers really aren't the breakfast of champions are they? Hmmm..."

So, I now have my first book recomendation... How to get a Date worth Keeping. I'd only recommend reading it, if you are not happy with your dating life and you are willing to look at dating and 'do' dating differently. Which of course stretches our comfort zone, honestly since I started 'dating' I don't even recognize my comfort zone anymore!

The latest 'push' for me is being willing to be meeting/dating/chatting whatever with more than one man. Eeeewwww... can't I just have one date, find out he's a prince or a toad and be done? Apparently not. The point it seems is

1. it is not all about me (who knew) and I might have something to offer the other person (gasp, surprise)

2. I've got lots to learn about me (yep, I was afraid of that)

3. We only learn by expanding our contacts, opportunities and situations.

So, here it is in black and white... for the next few months, I'm 'suppose' to not date just 'one' man. I'm sure I'll have more to say about this so stay tuned....

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