August 8, 2008

A Clean Slate...

With the opportunity of 'meeting' more men, comes the chance of being 'passed' on as well. A few days ago, I had the odd occasion to be, well let's say 'passed' on by two men on the same day. Both actually emailed, both had something nice to say and each declared that 'we' were not a match. You know what, they were right! It felt like a clean slate and although it was odd, it was really okay!

Now, I know I've come far.... I knew we were not meant to be, and it actually restored my hope in men, that contrary to popular opinion, they truly were capable of communicating. Wow, who knew!

I'm getting better at rejection, both receiving and giving. I'm not going to all this trouble for just 'any' match. I'm holding out for a good match, yep Polly Anna is back in the house.

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