January 3, 2009

yep, it is a whole new year

Wow, what a ride!!! This roller coaster of life has especially this last year given us thrills, chills and a few spills. No matter the ride, I find that I am a fairly balanced mix of introvert and extrovert. Enjoying my extroversion best with those I care about, making them laugh, enjoying time together and needing a bit of time alone from even them to regroup.

Just this time last year I was beginning the tiny steps toward dating again. Helped by the tool of the Internet, I forged ahead. Sat on my sister's bed with she and her partner, 'man sorting'. Looking at profiles and fine tuning my profile, ready to send it out there, into the dating void....

That was before I knew that there would be people trying to scam me, those guys who were 'in Africa building orphanages', sheesh, do I look that dumb or that rich???

I'm entering 2009 with a steady Sweetheart (sorry, he is 55 and 'boyfriend' just doesn't work) content with just dating for now. We're both still raising kids, trying to make a living and not tear our hair out, grateful for another adult who thinks we're special to spend time with.... beyond that...

well, today is enough for me to handle, I'll leave the rest up to my Lord. Thankfully he's in charge.

1 comment:

  1. I still love popping on your blog every week or so and finding something touching or funny to read.....keep it up girlfriend, not only are you recording the gift of words that you possess but you put a smile on the faces of your dear friends who read this.
    Luv ya,
