April 18, 2009

Spring has sprung

It seemed to be a quiet winter for the Lily pad, but spring has sprung.

Thank God!

Hope springs eternal and it must if you are going to be on-line dating. The combination of Hope and Patience.

So last weekend was my date with Gallant, who has turned into a Prince.

And within the next 4 days, I received a follow up email from an Internet 'match', an invitation for coffee from my neighbor and an invitation to a concert from the coffee 'date' guy.

And so what is one to do?

Are you kidding?

The Prince prays great AND fixed my toilet!

There's just no room on the lily pad for those other guys....

April 10, 2009


I had a date with a galant guy tonight.

Galant is a dying art and I think we should see that it be brought back to life. I personally am going to start on my boys. They are already pretty wonderful gentlemen, they just do not know that galant is an upgrade from gentleman.

Walking down the street, he took the out side. Crossing the street, he moved to where the on coming traffic would be. I'm pretty sure that I've been running in the wrong dating circles!

Let's see I've dated:


but never a galant.

Okay here we go....

Dating is fun. No, really I mean it. I have a date tonight. It alone has perked me up and allowed me to forget the economy to the point that I cashed in my free points and got my nails done. It feels nice.

Now I will say, that I've already spent a week talking to this man on the phone. We share the same sense of humor, and so I know if nothing else it will be an enjoyable evening.

He's also got a great accent as he is from Britain. Oh, sorry, I've been told by him, that I'm the one with the accent, as he speaks the Queen's English.

April 6, 2009

I confuse easily

I am a wise parent. I've learned to follow my instinct and it has served my kids and I very well.

In the world I am a bit naive. Even at the age of 50. I just don't always get 'it'! I especially don't get 'it' when it involves men!

Last week a man I know from a group I'm in called to say he enjoyed talking to me and could we talk some more. So, we met for coffee. Okay, but here's the thing, is this a date? We're both single, maybe he wants to just soak up some of my wisdom, hey, quit laughing! I think it might have been a date. He's called everyday since and asked if we can meet again. Hmmm.

A different man, I met through the wonders of On-line dating and I hit it off well emailing, then moved to a phone conversation and made mention of getting together at Starbucks for coffee sometime soon. He sent me an email today, a 'chatty' one, then sent another that said, "Forgot to tell you the coffee smells delicious". Okay, here's the thing, this is a compliment, right? Not a reference to not wearing perfume when we meet for coffee. I will say in my defense that he is British, so we're not exactly speaking the same language.

Of course the only thing I do think I know for sure is that when it comes to men, we're never speaking the same language.

April 4, 2009

May be they are confused...

May be the men writing their profile are confused. Perhaps some one told them that when you check off the little boxes that says age, height, marital status or physical description you are just making wishes!

May be they think if you check the box, then you are. It is that simple.

I am single, check. Reality - married, but we can't tell.

I am 6 feet tall, check. Reality - 5 foot 10 is almost 6 ft, we can't tell in pictures.

I am 51, check. Reality - I'm 59, but hey new math...and in my pictures you can't tell.

I am athletic and toned, check. Reality - whoa! Your picture shows a pregnant man, with a gut so big it says that you haven't had any athletic activity beyond beer curls in years. How they leap from that reality to the little checked box is just beyond me!

April 1, 2009

It must be April Fool's Day!

I know it is April Fool's Day for three reasons:

1. My son's alarm clock went off at 4:30 am instead of 5:30 am, meaning that his sister set his clock ahead an hour last night!

2. The calendar says so.

3. There are some things I am not looking for in all this on-line dating stuff and today a lot of them happened.

Due to the fact that my real name is Ellen, I really don't want to date someone named Alan. That is just a bit confusing. I also prefer to date people in nearby towns, after all I am not all that keen on seeing them at my grocery store (and if you've seen some of the ways I run into the grocery store, you'd know why). Also, I like to keep a bit of my anonymity, a tad of privacy.

So today, I was 'favored or saved' on a site by a man, which means some interest etc. Ahh, good right? Well.........

His name is Alan.
He not only lives in my town, but he lives on my street!
He is what I would call a friend, we chat in the street, know each other's kids and I sent him a card when his wife died.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but for today... I'm driving the long way around the block.